Sunday, May 18, 2008

goodreads Updates

Just Finished:

Belong to Me by Marisa De Los Santos. I read this book with my book club at work. This book has a bit more substance than the traditional chick lit book in which a single 20-30-something buys clothes at expensive boutiques in London and eventually snags the man of her dreams after some bumbling. This book is about relationships between mothers and children, husbands and wives, friends. Let's call it women lit. Some chapters are written in first person from the perspective of one of the characters, and the style of writing reminded me of reading a blog. I liked those chapters best. 4 out of 5.

Things I Learned About My Dad (in therapy) edited by Heather B. Armstrong. This collection of essays was compiled by my favorite blogger. The essays themselves were written by various bloggers -- some are written by fathers about their experiences with fatherhood, some are written by children about their memories of their fathers, some are written by wives about their husbands as fathers. I liked certain essays better than others, but overall found the collection an enjoyable read. My other take-away from this read was to never buy a Diaper Genie -- bad investment. 4 out of 5.

Currently Reading:

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Oprah pick. I believe this book is about spirituality and Buddhism and inspiration. Question mark, question mark. Its subtitle is "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose". Naturally, I am curious. If you notice me acting funny in the next few weeks, ask me if I've maybe had a spiritual awakening. I am aspiring to awaken to a purpose that involves me sitting at Starbucks, reading, and blogging.

1 comment:

  1. add Jhupma Lahiri's "Unaccustomed Earth" to your list
