Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mr. Yogato

Recently I have been captivated by tangy frozen yogurt. I was first introduced at TangySweet, a froyo place with kind of a futuristic/modernist feel that also happens to be attached to Red Velvet Cupcakery, which makes delicious if somewhat greasy cupcakes. It's definitely a challenge for your self-control to walk into one and not the other. Yesterday I met Mr. Yogato. This place equals delicious frozen yogurt, tons of character, and Seinfeld trivia. Tons of people were standing or sitting around outside, and the line went out the door. Inside, I was familiarizing myself with the rules. Succumb to a yogato stamp on your forehead -- 10% off. Stump "Steve" on a Seinfeld trivia question -- 10% off. Sing along to Mr. Robato when it comes over the speaker system -- 10% off. And many others. After eating my cup of tangy original topped with strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries (absolutely refreshing and delicious), I resolved to come back for more yogurt and Seinfeld trivia night (every other Tuesday!). Also, bonus, I was informed that Trader Joe's carries this frozen yogurt and that it tastes just as good.

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